Get yourself and your family quality hospitalization, outpatient, ER, A.P.E. and dental care services.

Your journey to health and wellness starts here! Whether you’re a freelancer or a family of 2 or more, the MediCard Standard Individual and Family Plan is for you. Get quality healthcare services from our wide network of providers – over 59,000 accredited doctors and more than 2,000 hospitals and clinics nationwide – for your confinement, outpatient, emergency, annual physical exam and dental needs. Our offerings give you the flexibility to include access to 5-star hospitals such as Makati Medical Center, Asian Hospital and Medical Center, St. Luke’s Medical Center and more. Best of all, on your second year of continuous membership and onwards, you will get coverage for pre-existing conditions.
Get started today! Eligible principal members must be 18-60 years old, company- or self-employed. If you are married, you may enroll your legal spouse and children as your dependent members. For single principal members, parents and siblings are eligible to enroll as dependents. The MediCard Standard Individual and Family Plan is also open to single parents who may enroll their children as their dependent members.
Rules and limits apply.
Note: Information on this online store is valid until updated.
[Last update: May 15, 2022]
Without AHMC, CSMC, MMC, SLMC-Global City, SLMC-QC & TMC
Limit for Dreaded Disease | 50,000.00 | 60,000.00 |
Principal Member only | 10,739.00 | 12,049.00 |
Principal + 1 dependent | 19,468.00 | 22,688.00 |
Principal + 2 dependents | 28,696.00 | 33,769.00 |
Principal + 3 dependents | 37,930.00 | 44,849.00 |
Principal + 4 dependents | 47,161.00 | 55,930.00 |
In excess of 4 dependents (per dep.) | 9,231.00 | 11,081.00 |
With AHMC, CSMC, MMC, SLMC-QC & TMC; without SLMC-Global City
Limit for Dreaded, Disease | 100,000.00 | 120,000.00 |
Principal Member, only | 18,850.00 | 21,908.00 |
Principal + 1 dependent | 34,133.00 | 39,625.00 |
Principal + 2 dependents | 50,315.00 | 57,428.00 |
Principal + 3 dependents | 66,491.00 | 75,230.00 |
Principal + 4 dependents | 82,663.00 | 93,031.00 |
In excess of 4 dependents (per dep.) | 16,172.00 | 17,801.00 |
- Non-PhilHealth members (E.g. parents below 60 and unemployed, etc.) shall pay the corresponding portion during confinements
- For medical, surgical, hospital and professional services expenses NOT EXPLICITLY COVERED under this Agreement, member must settle all billings upon discharge from the hospital. If MediCard will advance the payment, member shall pay MediCard within seven (7) days of receiving of statement of account with an administration fee of 15%. If not settled within seven (7) days, a penalty of 2% per month of the amount owing until the debt is satisfied. MediCard has the option to suspend the ID card of the member(s) involved until settlement.
- Above rates are inclusive of VAT.
AHMC – Asian Hospital and Medical Center
CSMC – Cardinal Santos Medical Center
MMC – Makati Medical Center
SLMC – Global City – St. Luke’s Medical Center – Global City
SLMC – QC – St. Luke’s Medical Center – Quezon City
TMC – The Medical City
*Rates may change without prior notice
Deadline for enrollment of dependents:
- For dependents who meet the eligibility requirements within the Agreement period – 30 days from the date dependent becomes eligible for membership (copy of birth certificate or marriage agreement must be submitted).
- Any additional dependents other than the above can be enrolled upon the renewal of AGREEMENT.
- After the lapse of the periods specified above, MediCard shall no longer receive, evaluate and accept any designation or application to be a Qualified Dependent of a Principal Member.
New enrollees who are approaching age of ineligibility must be enrolled at least six (6) months counting from the date of effectivity up to the date that the enrollees become ineligible for them to be accepted as members. All pre-existing condition/dreaded disease limits will be computed on a prorated basis (i.e. If age of eligibility is up to 60 years old, only who are 60 years and 6 months old and younger will be accepted for membership).
Renewing members who will become age eligible within the next renewal agreement year will be allowed to renew regardless of the remaining months that the member will remain eligible. However, pre-existing conditions/dreaded disease limits will be computed on a prorated basis (i.e. If age of eligibility is up to 60 years old. A renewing member who is 60 years and 9 months old will still be renewed but pre-existing condition/dreaded disease limits will be computed based on the following formula:
(Total months that member remains eligible/12) x PEC/DD limit = Pro-rated Limit
- In relation to his dependents, the MEMBER shall be known as the PRINCIPAL and he shall be deemed to have undertaken to comply with all the requirements and obligations of individual regular membership under this MMA on behalf of said dependent/s, particularly the payment of all the required fees, dues and charges.
Principal Member:
Company or self-employed individual 18 years old up to age 60
- For Married Principal Members
– The legal spouse at least 18 years old up to 60 years old
– Legitimate and/or legally adopted children 30 days and up to 21 years of age unmarried and unemployed and living under the same roof as the principal member - For Single Principal Members
– Parents up to age 60, unemployed and dependent upon the principal member
– Brothers and sisters 30 days old and up to 21 years of age who are not gainfully employed, unmarried and living under the same roof as the principal member
Note: The choice of enrolling dependents must follow a hierarchy. This means that the spouse first must be enrolled followed by the eldest child, second child and so on for principal member. For single, the parents must be enrolled first followed by the eldest brother/sister and so on.
Hospital Confinement
- No deposit upon admission
- Room & Board according to type of enrolment
- Use of Operating Theatre and Recovery Room
- Services of MediCard specialist like anaesthesiologists, internists, surgeons, etc.
- Services and medications for general/spinal anaesthesia or other forms of anaesthesia deemed necessary for a surgical procedure.
- Fresh whole blood transfusions and intravenous fluids
- X-ray and Laboratory examinations
- Administered medicines
- Dressings, plaster casts, sutures and other items directly related to the medical management of the patient
- ICU confinements, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, and Dialysis are covered subject to maximum limits and pre-existing conditions coverage
- Modern therapeutic modalities and interventional surgical procedures such as, but not limited to laparoscopic surgery and lithotripsy, are covered up to P20,000 each per year subject to the pre-existing conditions coverage
- CT Scan, MRI and ultrasound are covered up to P5,000 each per member per year subject to the pre-existing conditions coverage (inclusive of room and board, operating room charges, professional fees and other incidental expenses relative to the procedure)
- The following complex diagnostic examinations and the therapeutic procedures shall be covered up to P5,000.00 each per member per year subject to the pre-existing conditions coverage (inclusive of room and board, operating room charges, professional fees and other incidental expenses relative to the procedure):
- Angiography (e.g. coronary, cerebral, retinal, pulmonary, GI, etc.)
- Pulmonary perfusion scan
- Tests involving use of Nuclear Technologies (Radionuclide Ventriculography/Thallium stress testing/Radionuclide/Thyroid scan, etc.), nuclear technologies such as Pyrosphosphate Scintigraphy, Positron Emission Tomography, Radio Isotope Scanning, etc.)
- Electromyography, Nerve Conduction Velocity Studies
- 24-Hour Holter Monitoring, 2-D Echo and Doppler
- Treadmill Stress Test
- Myelogram
- Endoscopy including one of video
- Orthopedic Arthroscopy
- Adrecortical Function (e.g. Primary Aldosteronism, Cushings Disease)
- Plasma/Urinary Cortisol, Plasma Aldosterone, etc.
- Mammography (breast cancer) and Sonomammogram
- Bone densitometry scan (Dexascan)
- Anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), C-Reactive protein (Rheumatic and its complications), Lupus cell exam
- Laboratory/ancillary services for conditions whose pathogenesis or subsequent clinical improvement is not yet fully established in Medical Science
- New modalities and / or diagnostic and treatment procedure for conditions with established etiologies and its use is only as alternative to the conventional methods
- Genetic / Immunologic studies
- Radioactive Iodine therapy
- Assistance in administrative requirements through the liaisons officers
- All other items related to the management of the case
Note: Mentioned limits are inclusive of room and board, operating room charges, professional fees and other incidental expenses relative to the procedure.
Excess Charges and Incremental Costs
- Excess charges, more appropriately called excess in room and board are charges payable to the hospital when a member is confined in a room rate higher than his actual coverage, but within the same level or category. On top of the common excess of disapproved charges that a member might incur during confinement, incremental costs can be incurred by a member when he is confined in a room higher category or level than what his plan entitles him to. (e.g. availment of private room instead of a semi-private).
- In case a member is simultaneously covered under more than one corporate or group health maintenance agreements with MediCard, the premiums for which are paid by the member’s employer and/or principal, the member, on a per confinement basis, shall only avail of the benefits accruing from one agreement. The member must choose which agreement will apply and his confinement will be governed by the terms and conditions and the limits of the agreement of his choice. The provision is without prejudice to the member’s availment of the benefits under another agreement which may apply for other confinements.
- The maximum benefit limit shall be inclusive of consultations, diagnostic procedures, and hospitalization.
- Hospitalization or in-patient coverage of a member will depend on his/her final diagnosis. All diagnostic procedures will depend on his/her final diagnosis. All diagnostic procedures will only be covered if results are within inclusions of this Agreement. For confinements and availments in Makati Medical Center which has a blanket authority policy, all disapproved charges and excess in limits shall be settled directly with the hospital upon exhaustion of limit. Failure of patient to settle the excess bills shall necessitate MediCard to bill the MEMBER with corresponding 20% service fee and payable within ten (10) working days from receipt of billing. Effective Feb. 6, 2001 Makati Medical Center (MMC) will only accommodate HMO patients enrolled under Plan 1100 or Small Private and up. Plans below 1100 or Ward and Semi-Private will no longer be applicable to the said hospital.
Out-Patient Care
The Following outpatient services will be provided to members in MediCard accredited hospitals or clinics:
- Referral to specialist(s)
- Regular consultations and treatment (except prescribed medicines)
- Eye, ear, nose and throat treatment
- Treatment of minor injuries and surgeries not requiring confinement
- X-ray and laboratory examinations prescribed by MediCard physician
The member can go directly to the primary physician of any accredited hospital or at the head office clinic for outpatient consultations. The primary physician will request for laboratory or diagnostic examinations or refer the member to a specialist.
Preventive Health Care
Preventive healthcare services are provided to members to assure that their health status is regularly and properly monitored.
The following no-charge Preventive Health Care Services will be provided to members at MediCard Head Office Clinic or at any designated MediCard Medical Service Units:
- Annual Physical Examination (APE) to include:
- Complete Blood Count
- Urinalysis (urine examination)
- Fecalysis (stool examination)
- Chest X-ray
- Electrocardiogram (for adults age 40 and above, or if indicated)
- Pap Smear (for women age 40 and above, or if indicated)
- Management of Health
- Routine Immunization (except cost of vaccines)
- Counselling on health habits, diets and Family Planning
- Record Keeping of Medical History
*APE may be availed at the MediCard Lifestyle Center or at MediCard mall clinic in Festival Super Mall, Alabang, Muntinlupa City.
Emergency Care
- Emergency Care in MediCard-Accredited Hospitals/Clinics – In cases of emergency where the MEMBER avails of the services of MediCard Accredited Hospitals/Clinics, the following will be provided:
- Doctor’s services
- Medicines used during treatment or for immediate relief
- Oxygen and intravenous fluids
- Dressings, plaster casts, and sutures
- Laboratory, X-ray and other diagnostic examinations directly related to the emergency management of the patient-MEMBER
- Emergency Care in Non-MediCard Accredited Hospitals
- When a MEMBER is in immediate danger of losing a limb, eye or other parts of the body or is in severe pain that requires immediate relief and enters a non-MediCard accredited hospital for treatment.
- MediCard shall pay the said amount when it is verified that MediCard facilities were not used because to have done so would entail a delay resulting in death, serious disability or significant jeopardy to the MEMBER’s condition or the choice of hospital was beyond the control of the MEMBER or the MEMBER’s family. Other expenses not covered in using non-MediCard Accredited Hospitals for emergency care is follow up care.
- MediCard agrees to reimburse eighty percent (80%) of the approved total hospital bills and of professional fees, based on MediCard relative value for accredited hospitals, up to the amount of P30,000.00.
- Emergency Care in Foreign Countries – In cases of emergency where a MEMBER avails of services in a foreign territory. MediCard shall reimburse one hundred percent (100%) of the approved total hospital bills and of professional fees, based on the MediCard relative value and in Philippine currency, up to P30,000.00.
- Ambulance services (land transport) are covered on a reimbursement basis up to P2,500.00 per member per year.
- In cases of non-availability of room according to plan during emergency case, MEMBER may avail of the next higher room available except suite room within the first twenty-four (24) hours of confinement upon admission. All incremental costs incurred after the first twenty-four (24) hours shall be for the personal account of the MEMBER, except when the Accredited Hospital issues a certification of non-availability of the MEMBER’s room and board accommodation.
Dental Care
Members may avail of the following dental care services from any of the accredited dental clinics:
- Once a year oral prophylaxis (after having paid the annual premium)
- Consultations and oral examinations
- Simple tooth extractions, except surgery for impacted tooth
- Temporary fillings
- Gum treatment and adjustment of dentures
- Recementation of loose jackets, crowns in-lays and on-lays
- Treatment of mouth lesions, wounds and burns
Dental care services availment procedures:
- Call dentist to set up appointment (refer to list of dentists provided)
- Visit dentist and present MediCard ID to avail of service
- Sign all related documents and forms after treatment/procedure was done
- Services which a member receives from a non MEDICARD Physician, non MEDICARD Accredited Hospital or other provider of care, except as described in the emergency care in non MEDICARD hospitals, as provided for in this Agreement;
- Hereditary and/or congenital defects of whatever form;
- Sensorineural hearing impairments except those acquired during time of membership;
- Plastic and reconstructive surgery for cosmetic purposes and for physical congenital deformities and abnormalities;
- Dermatological care for aesthetic purposes such as electrocautery or chemical treatment for skin tags, xanthelasma, milia, keloids, scars, etc. on any exposed areas of the body;
- Guillain Barre syndrome, multiple sclerosis, demyelinating disease, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Myasthenia Gravis, epilepsy, seizure disorder and other autoimmune neurological disease;
- Slipped disc, scoliosis, spinal stenosis and spondylosis;
- AV malformation and aneurysms which are considered congenital except only those unequivocably proven to be acquired secondarily;
- Corrective eye surgery for error of refraction including laser surgery for correction of myopia and hypermyopia;
- Psoriasis, vitiligo;
- Experimental medical procedures, acupuncture, acupressure, reflexology and chiropractics;
- Services to diagnose and/or reverse infertility or fertility and virility/potency (erectile dysfunction);
- Open heart surgeries, angioplasties, valvulaplasties, permanent pacemaker insertion, intra coronary thrombolysis, balloon valvuloplasties, transvenous endocardial biopsy, percutaneous intraaortic balloon pump insertion, balloon atrial septostomy, previous craniotomy sequelae, organ transplantation and complication and other surgeries related to the heart;
- Diagnostics for hypersensitivity and desensitization treatment;
- Purchase or lease of durable medical equipment, oxygen dispensing equipment and oxygen except during hospital confinement under the Hospital Confinement Benefit;
- Corrective appliances and artificial aids and prosthetic devices;
- Human blood products like platelets, packed RBC, plasma, gamma globulin, etc. and its processing;
- Psychiatric and psychological illnesses including neurotic and psychotic behavior disorders;
- Treatment for alcoholic intoxication and drug addiction or overdose reaction to use of prohibited drugs including illnesses directly related to it and other injuries attributed as a result of it;
- Rehabilitation treatment, physical, speech, occupational and hormonal therapies;
- Developmental disorders, metabolic diseases, sleep and eating disorders;
- Sexually transmitted diseases such as Hepatitis B, condyloma, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes etc. and their attendant complications;
- Pelvic inflammatory disease, tubo-ovarian abscess, pyosalpingitis, etc.;
- Hazardous job-related illnesses and/or injuries;
- Physical examinations required for obtaining or continuing employment, insurance or government licensing;
- Injuries or illnesses resulting from participation in war like or combat operations, riots, insurrection, rebellion, strikes and other civil disturbances;
- Treatment of self-inflicted injuries or injuries attributable to the MEMBER’S own misconduct, gross negligence, use of alcohol and/or drugs, vicious or immoral habits, participation in act of crime, violation of a law or ordinance, unnecessary exposure to imminent danger or hazard to health and hazardous sports related injuries;
- Maternity care and other conditions as a result of pregnancy unless specifically provided;
- Custodial, domiciliary care, convalescent and intermediate care;
- Oral surgery for purposes of beautification, temporomandibular joint disease (TMJ) surgery done by dental practitioner;
- Circumcision, except for correction of Phimosis;
- Treatment of injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident if the member or his guardian fails or refuses to execute the deed of Subrogation specified in Article VII hereof;
- Professional fees of medico-legal officers;
- Diagnosis of unknown etiology or the absence of any organic dysfunction;
- Cost of vaccines for active and passive immunization except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement;
- Laboratory examinations for screening sexually related illnesses and injuries;
- Any condition or illness waived upon membership except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement.
Make sure that you have secured a copy of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for your reference. You can download and/or print a copy of the MOA by clicking the button below.