The ultimate plan for select ER cases in accredited hospitals, unli consults, A.P.E. and 30% off on tests in all MediCard clinics.

Emergency and preventive healthcare made easy
Designed to give members utmost value and convenience, the RxER offers a new and specialized health care maintenance service that covers emergency, preventive and outpatient care. Best of all, there’s no age limit, no medical check-up required and there’s no hierarchy to be followed.
Patients requiring care for emergency trauma cases in MediCard-accredited hospitals will have an overall limit of P20,000.00. In addition, emergency care charges include an ER fee, professional fees and emergency medications directly related to the illness for the following cases, subject to conditions under exclusions: trauma cases within 6 hours from the time of the incident; burns; animal bites and accidental chemical poisoning.
Also included are emergency diagnostic procedures and lab tests such as ultrasound, CT scan and MRI up to P5,000. Moreover, tetanus toxoid, anti-tetanus serum and active immunization for anti-rabies will be covered. Also included are ordinary casting and splint. These benefits are subject to emergency care limit.
Members can avail of emergency services for the above-mentioned cases more than once as long as the limit is not yet consumed and the incident happened within 6 hours.
For emergency availments in non MediCard-accredited hospitals, members will be reimbursed 100% of approved hospital bills and professional fees subject to the ER limit of P20,000.00. All other provisions under the emergency care follow.
Outpatient services are availed in all MediCard free-standing clinics. Members can enjoy unlimited free consultations with primary care physicians and some specialists such as general surgeon, obstetrician gynecologist, pediatrician, family medicine, general practitioner and general internist. Moreover, members are eligible to enjoy a flat rate of P600.00 for consultations with other specialists and 30% discounts on the following procedure done at MediCard free-standing clinics: all laboratory and diagnostic tests, surgeries, and dental procedures. Dental consultations are free including a one-time prophylaxis.
Membership is only P2,378.00 each and is open to individuals or to groups who will enjoy no provisions for hierarchy, status and family relationships. This membership is already good for one year.
Rules and limit apply.
Note: Information on this online store is valid until updated.
[Last update: July 31, 2024]
Upon payment of the fees and upon effectivity of the membership, the MEMBER shall be entitled to the following benefits:
A. Annual Physical Exam in any MediCard Free-Standing Clinics consisting of the following:
- Complete Blood Count
- Chest X-ray
- Urinalysis
- General Check-up
- Fecalysis
NOTE: A.P.E. may be availed of starting 14 days after date of effectivity
B. Outpatient consultations in any MediCard Free-Standing Clinics by the following specialists:
- General Practitioner
- Family Medicine Physician
- Paediatrician
- Medical Internist
- Gynecologist (except on maternity-related consultations)
NOTE: Free consultations may be availed of starting 7 days after date of effectivity
MEMBER is also entitled to the following:
a. Flat rate of P600.00 for consultations with other specialists and sub-specialists
b. 30% discount on out-patient laboratory and diagnostic tests
c. 30% discount on out-patient surgeries and other services
d. 30% discount on procedures at the Skin Care Clinic
C. Dental Services in any MediCard Free-Standing Clinics with dental services:
a. Free one-time oral prophylaxis and baseline panoramic X-ray
b. Dental consultations
c. 30% discount on dental procedures
All out-patient benefits listed above may be availed of by appointment from Mondays to Fridays in any MediCard Free-Standing Clinic.
D. MediCard will cover the following Out-Patient Emergency Care cases in all MediCard-Accredited Hospitals and Non-MediCard Accredited Hospitals up to one hundred percent (100%) of the approved total hospital bills and of doctor’s professional fees, based on MediCard relative value, subject to any applicable inner limits, provided that, it will not exceed the annual benefit limit of P20,000.00, which is the total emergency care limit:
a. TRAUMA CASES, i.e. vehicular accidents and other forms of accidents not brought about by the MEMBER’s own negligence or misconduct or not brought about by acts which are against the law of the Philippines (for vehicular accidents, vehicle registration (OR/CR) and driver’s license should be submitted.
1. Out-Patient Emergency care services will include the following:
a. Doctor’s services
b. Emergency Medicines used during treatment or for immediate relief
c. Oxygen
d. Dressings, ordinary casts, and sutures
e. Tetanus toxoid, anti-tetanus serum, and active immunization for rabies
f. Basic laboratory, x-ray and other basic diagnostic examinations directly related to the emergency management of the patient.
g. CT scan, MRI and ultrasound are covered up to P5,000 within the total limit each if deemed necessary for the immediate management of the patient.
h. Emergency Complex Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures will be covered by MediCard up to P5,000 within the total limit. The following are considered as complex diagnostic or therapeutic procedures:
- angiography
- pulmonary perfusion scan
- tests involving use of nuclear technologies
- electromyography, nerve conduction studies
- 2D echo and Doppler
- endoscopies including one of video
- Arthroscopies
- adrenocortical functions
- all other diagnostic tests and therapeutic procedures not mentioned but deemed by MediCard as a complex diagnostic and therapeutic procedure
2. MEMBER may avail of the emergency services more than once as long as there is still a remaining limit.
3. For Out-Patient Emergency Care in MediCard Accredited Hospitals, MediCard will only cover cases within six (6) hours from the time of incident and within the total emergency care limit, subject to the conditions under exclusions and limitations. Services availed by a MEMBER in excess of the coverage or allowable limit in hospitals with blanket authority, shall be settled by the MEMBER directly with the hospital. Failure of the MEMBER to settle the excess charges shall necessitate MediCard to bill the MEMBER all excess charges with corresponding twenty percent (20%) service fee, payable within fifteen (15) calendar days from receipt of billing. Otherwise, a corresponding penalty of 1% per month will be incurred. If the bills remain unpaid after thirty (30) days, the concerned MEMBER shall cease to be entitled for coverage until after bills have been settled in full.
4. For Out-Patient Emergency Care in Non-MediCard Accredited Hospitals, coverage should be within the total emergency care limit on a reimbursement basis and subject to the conditions under exclusions and limitations.
A. In-Patient Services are not covered.
a. Issuance of medical certificate shall not be covered during out-patient consultation.
b. Prescribed medicines shall not be provided by MediCard or MediCard-accredited doctors/hospitals/clinics.
c. The out-patient consultations are provided only during clinic hours
d. All other forms of services not provided under membership benefits and privileges
C. LIMITATION IN SERVICES: MediCard is not responsible for the following:
a. Delay or failure to render services due to major disasters and natural calamities, brownouts or epidemics affecting facilities or personnel.
b. Unusual circumstances such as complete or partial destruction of facilities, war, riots, disability of a significant number of MediCard personnel or similar events which result in delay to provide services.
c. Conditions for which a MEMBER has refused recommended treatment for personal reasons, for which MediCard physicians believe no professionally acceptable alternative treatment exists.
d. Sudden change of hospital policies.
e. Failure of the patient to get the proper treatment if deemed not covered by MediCard
a. Hospitalization and treatment outside the Philippines are not covered.
b. Cost of medical services, medicine and other expenses incurred as a result of a MEMBER’s decision to avail of such medical services, treatment or procedure, not prescribed or contrary to what has been prescribed by the attending MediCard provider, or without MediCard’s express written report shall not be covered by MediCard.
c. All other cases not specifically mentioned under Emergency Care Benefits will not be covered by MediCard.
d. Plastic and reconstructive surgery for cosmetic purposes and for physical congenital deformities and abnormalities.
e. Slipped disc, herniated disc, scoliosis, spinal stenosis and spondylosis.
f. Experimental medical procedures, acupuncture, acupressure, reflexology and chiropractics.
g. Purchase or lease of durable medical equipment, oxygen dispensing equipment and other medical supplies.
h. Corrective appliances, artificial aids and prosthetic devices.
i. Human blood products like platelets, packed RBC, plasma, gamma globulin, etc. and its processing.
j. Psychiatric and psychological illnesses including neurotic and psychotic behavior disorders.
k. Treatment for alcoholic intoxication and drug addiction or overdose reaction to use of prohibited drugs including illnesses directly related to it and other injuries attributed as a result of it.
l. Rehabilitation treatment and physical therapies.
m. Hazardous job-related illnesses and/or injuries.
n. Injuries or illnesses resulting from participation in war-like or combat operations, riots, insurrection, rebellion, strikes, domestic violence and other civil disturbances.
o. Treatment of self-inflicted injuries or injuries attributable to the MEMBER’S own misconduct, gross negligence, use of alcohol and/or drugs, vicious or immoral habits, participation in act of crime, violation of a law or ordinance, unnecessary exposure to imminent danger or hazard to health, combat sports and sparring such as tae kwon do, boxing, muay thai, sports injuries without the use of proper equipment and hazardous sports related injuries.
p. Oral surgery or (TMJ) surgery done by dental practitioner.
q. Treatment of injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident if the MEMBER or his guardian fails or refuses to execute the deed of Subrogation
r. Professional fees of medico-legal officers.
s. Cost of vaccines for active and passive immunization including passive immunization or immunoglobulin for rabies.
t. All other services not specifically mentioned under Emergency Care Services.
a. The MEMBER shall not use the benefits of his other MediCard coverage (if any) simultaneously with the RxER package or vice versa.
b. The MEMBER shall not use his RxER in combination with other MediCard Plan.
c. RxER is not a full HMO plan.
It is hereby understood that, to be entitled to the benefits under this Agreement, the MEMBER hereby waives his/her consent to the disclosure and processing of his/her medical/health information which is determinative for the assessment of his/her coverage and necessary for the treatment of his/her illness. MediCard, its physician and other allied health professionals, including its Accredited Hospitals/Clinics are hereby released from any liability by reason of such disclosure.
In consideration for the services rendered by MediCard, the Client agrees to pay the one (1) year membership fee of Two Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-Eight Pesos (P 2,378.00) inclusive of 12% VAT upon enrolment with MediCard. Membership fee shall be valid within the one (1) year membership period only.
Make sure that you have secured a copy of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for your reference. You can download and/or print a copy of the MOA by clicking the button below.